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Eavestroughs: the good, the bad and the ugly

Those pesky eavestroughs are full again. Is it time to take out the ladder? What if you can’t reach every part of your gutter? It is time to call for help. Professional eavestrough cleaning plays an important role in the maintenance of your home. Avoid cracks, water damage and flooding by cleaning out your gutters regularly. Our team at Pitton Plumbing and Heating is proud to offer services to clean and fight eavestrough damage. Don’t let your gutters ruin your home!

How often do gutters need to be cleaned?

A home’s gutters require professional cleaning at least twice a year. We recommend during spring and fall.

Why is cleaning important?

Eavestroughs direct water away from your home’s foundation. When gutters are full with debris and leaves, they clog. Neglected gutters can be a nightmare!

  • Prevent cracks: Cleaning eavestroughs prevents cracks in your foundation, exterior siding and roof deck.

  • Avoid flooding: Is there a puddle in your basement? Eavestroughs may be to blame. Cracks in your foundation can lead to unwanted flooding. Is it raining out? Water may also pool during downpours if your gutters are full.

  • Maintain your roof: Regular cleaning ensures your roof tiles don’t become rotted or frozen. This prevents leaks that could damage the inside and outside of your home. Companies that specialize in plumbing in the Burlington area can prevent this.

  • Maintain appearance: Fight unsightly stains on the exterior of your home. A worn down exterior siding will impact your home’s value.

  • You don’t want bugs: A mass of leaves and sticks combined with moisture spells trouble for any home. Unwanted insects will nest in your clogged eavestroughs. This could lead to ants and pests coming into your home.

  • Prevent animal nests: Birds and rodents may seek shelter in messy gutters. This is expensive, noisy and inconvenient.

  • Fight mould: An accumulation of water over a long period of time could lead to mould. Cleaning eavestroughs is crucial to preventing mould damage and illness.

  • Keep your driveway dry: Water from your gutter can erode your driveway. Don’t let your road sag or crack. This will lead to more repairs outside of an emergency plumbing call.

  • Preserve your gutters: Significant eavestrough damage could lead to replacing your home’s gutters.

Hire a Professional Plumber

Your gutters require routine maintenance. Our team of plumbers in the Oakville, Burlington and Hamilton area can provide a quick and thorough cleaning of eavestroughs.

  • Tools: Plumbers bring their own tools and ladders to clean out the entirety of your gutters.

  • Speed: It won’t take very long for a set of professionals to remove sticks and leaves from your eavestroughs.

  • Experience: Professional workmanship and skills are essential to preventing eavestroughs damage.

  • Prevent accidents: Your eavestroughs are quite high. Let a team of plumbers handle the dangers of gutter cleaning. This way you won’t slip or fall.

Don’t wait for eavestrough damage! To schedule an appointment, contact us today!

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