As a construction worker, you wear a hard hat in dangerous areas, and a mask and protective eyewear when working with particulates. These are all reasonable measures taken to keep you safe from potentially harmful situations. So it only makes sense to take reasonable measures to protect yourself—and fellow workers—from biohazards on the job. You wouldn’t saw a two-by-four without wearing safety glasses, so why wouldn’t you practice the same caution when encountering the potential spread of infectious diseases?
Hidden Dangers
Infectious diseases are a real threat on construction projects, but they can usually be prevented or even stopped completely with a little foresight. Bacteria like E. Coli are often rampant on construction sites due to the unsanitary conditions of portable toilets and the poor hygiene practices involving them. Additional biohazards may be present in the form of rodent droppings. Dust inhaled from rodent feces and urine can cause respiratory illness. Improper handling and disposal can lead to viral infections such as Hantavirus and Lymphocytic Chorio-meningitis, which can be fatal.
Preventative Measures
Pursuant to section 29 of Ontario Construction Regulation, hygiene facilities must be provided by constructors in addition to toilets and urinals. Due to the culture of construction work, many times hand washing is bypassed in favor of getting back to work—but often at a cost. Despite the obviously dirty conditions in the workplace, it’s important to practice regular hand washing. After a trip to the restroom, before eating, and after coming in contact with animal urine or feces, it’s important to wash your hands—not only to prevent yourself from getting ill, but to help prevent the spread of any illness to your coworkers. Wearing a particulates mask and gloves when cleaning up a site or moving materials is just common sense. This practice will go a long way toward preventing respiratory illnesses, and will help you and your coworkers to stay healthy on the job.
Keep It Clean
Keeping break areas clean at all times will make for more hygienic food preparation and a more comfortable area overall. Regular maintenance of portable toilets prevents the spread of disease, as well as promoting more respect for the job spot. All work and relaxation areas should be free of trash, and cleaning up after yourself will prevent animals from being attracted to the site. For more information about disease prevention on construction projects, or to learn more about our portable toilet rentals, call Pitton Plumbing at 1-800-499-4184 today.